Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Miracles do happen.

What an amazing week. I've seen so many tender mercies and miracles this past week which has strengthened my testimony of this amazing gospel. We've seen so many amazing things. I love it! On Monday night we taught a cute older couple, the husband struggles with his testimony of Jesus Christ so we've decided to teach him like an investigator so we taught the Restoration and the spirit was so strong in that little room. There truly is a power that comes with Joseph Smith and the first vision. We then went and taught our investigator Jessica and we read from the Book of Mormon from her and she loved it we committed her to read the next chapter and when we saw her the next time she had read 3 more chapters, she's just loving the Book of Mormon! We had a church tour with her so she could become more comfortable with the church building and she kept saying how much she was feeling the spirit!

On Tuesday night we went on exchanges and I went over to the East side of Lethbridge where the sisters are in a walking area. Hahahaha I just bundled as much clothing on as possible as we went out walking around to teach. We went over to a inactive members home and taught a lesson on prayer. I asked the lady when was the last time she prayed and got an answer to her prayer and she sat there and thought and then opened up about an experience she had with prayer when she was little. She got pretty emotional and then said "I guess God really does hear my prayers, I just need to keep on praying." It was great, we committed her to pray to her Father in Heaven and sit and listen. This is why I love going on exchanges so often, I may never see this lady again but she taught me something and hopefully the spirit we brought into her home taught her something as well. The next day was filled with lots of walking and with lots of cold wind but I was filled with joy because missionary work really is the best!

Thursday was kind of a crazy day we had to teach our investigator Dan in the morning and the lesson went really well. He's thinking about baptism he just hasn't received his answer yet. We keep praying he'll recognize the Holy Ghost. We then had a zone meeting we had to go to and then we had to quickly pack and head up to Calgary. All missionaries need to be in by 6 on Halloween so we needed to be in Calgary by that time. We got up to Calgary and me and Sister Doty hung out with President and Sister Nicholas for the evening it was honestly so much fun. We just ate pizza and relaxed and hung out with other missionaries. It felt like a little break hahaha. Friday was our leadership council and everything we heard was so great. There's so many great changes happening in missionary work. We also have our mission tour coming up on November 14th-15th Elder Swizter is coming from the 70 and he wants to do another Mission Leadership Council with us so yay for us! We get to go back to Calgary in 2 weeks! Hahaha I just love Calgary so much. Elder Swizter will also be coming down to Lethbridge and going out with the missionaries to some of their lessons. It would be so cool if he could come out with us! Sad thing is I started getting really sick when I was in Calgary with horrible flu like symptoms....I don't know what it is but I think Satan wants me sick always....stupid Satan. I had a fever, sick to my stomach...sore throat....etc.....etc.... lame. Anyways even with me being sick we saw so many miracles on Saturday.

Our investigator Jessica came to a baptism and loved it. She let us know that she wants to be baptized and she's preparing herself for December 7th. We also had another great lesson with our other investigator and she accepted the invitation of baptism as well! We honestly couldn't believe it. On Sunday Jessica and her husband came to church! They loved it. We also got a random phone call from a man we met on the streets and he wanted us to come teach him and his friends.

So many things are happening! Sister Doty and myself feel overwhelmed with Gods love. He truly is in control of this great work. The work is hastening!

This week will be extremely busy for us. We have 2 more exchanges and one of them is in Med Hat. We also are going up to Calgary the next week and then we get to look forward to Zone Conference! I love it! Being a missionary is the best thing in the world.

I love you all so much and hope you're doing good!

Sister Martin

 "This is a space ship in the town of Vulcan. We went on a little detour up to Calgary. Probably the strangest town I've ever been to."

 Can you spot Sarah?? Welcome to Vulcan!

Canadian prairie. 

Lethbridge at its best :)

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