Hey family!!!
What a week!! So first things first....I'm not getting transferred!! Cardston is my home for another 6 weeks :) Sister Estrada is leaving which is sad and it will be weird knowing my next companion is my companion for only 6 weeks but I'm ready for a the adventure!
So this week was super good, it had a lot of ups and downs but I guess that's just how things go on a mission. Last Monday we went up to Waterton and hiked Bertha Lake.....let me tell you about Bertha Lake......it was so hard!! 3 weeks ago we hiked Bertha Falls and it was a lovely little hike but the second half up to the lake is straight switch backs that wanted to kill us!! Oh my goodness...I don't suggest hiking when you previously just sprained your ankle and you can't breath out of your nose because of a stupid cold. We invited one of our friends from YSA and he probably regretted coming with us because we had to stop every 10 seconds hahahaha oh well. It was worth it because it was soooooooo pretty when we got to the top. Later that night I had an interesting experience that was kind of sad but I wanna fill you in on my life so I'm going to let ya know, I was talking to a friend of mine here in Cardston that's not a member and he brought up a ton of questions that I didn't know how to answer when usually I do and he pretty much told me to question everything that I've believed my whole life. I tried so hard to answer his questions and to bring the spirit back but it just wasn't working so we left. That night I honestly couldn't stop thinking about some of the things he said and it was just horrible! So I just said the most sincere prayer that I've said in a long time asking Heavenly Father to confirm to me that what I'm doing is right. The next day when we were getting ready in the morning Sister Estrada turned on a conference talk to listen to and immediately I felt the spirit listening to an apostles voice. I was filled with the spirit as I was reminded that I was called to serve this mission and that I was assigned by the prophet to do this mission. The church is true, it really really is. It was a good experience for me to strengthen the testimony I already have.
Nothing too extraordinary happened on Tuesday, I guess it was pretty normal. We had district mtg and then went and met with some potentials. We also had some good less-active lessons that night. We met with this one potential family who is awesome!! They have so many things that are preparing them for the gospel and they don't even realize it. It just makes me excited to see every stage of the work. People just starting to be prepared in small and simple ways, people starting to take the lessons, people preparing for baptism, people getting baptized and so forth. The hastening of the work is such a real thing and I honestly just get so excited thinking about it.
Wednesday was good, we went to the doctors and he said I have strep....crazy eh? (I don't really think I had strep but oh well) But I'm feeling better, the sad thing is I got Sister O'Dell sick.......that's what happens when we all live together. We had a good lesson later that day with a ysa girl that we've been teaching and she opened up to us and told us how much we've been helping her. She told us that she's felt the spirit as we've come over and taught and that's something she hasn't felt in a long time. She said that she's regaining that testimony that she once had. Hearing something like that makes everything worth it. Honestly I can have the worst week ever and hear something like that and feel so happy about life. Also we had a little miracle that night!! We got a referral and went over and got a new investigator! This lady is the sweetest girl ever!! She's been super hesitant about meeting with missionaries in the past but we just connected super quickly and connected with her husband as well. Later that night we went over to a part-member family and had a really good lesson as well. I just feel like we've been soooo blessed here in Cardston. We've created some really good relationships with the people here and are seeing so many miracles.
On Thursday there was a huge power outage for all of Cardston and it was the funniest thing ever because we were planning on having lunch and a lesson with a ysa member and as he was cooking us lunch the power went out so he went and built a fire and cooked the chicken over the fire and it was seriously the best lunch ever. And the best lesson ever, we talked a lot about courage and facing adversity. I'm just grateful I'm on a mission right now because being a young single adult is so hard in this world! I don't know how I would do it without the gospel. We taught Jody for the last time Thursday night and she passed her baptismal interview with flying colors. I'm so grateful to know Jody, she's made more changes than anyone I know for her to be ready for her baptism. The gospel has brought such a light to her life and its been so amazing to see.
On Friday we had a cleaning check and we tried to take care of Sister O'Dell.....remember how I'm the worst and got her sick??! So sad. But after we got her feeling better we had some really great lessons in the West Stake and then went and stopped by to see our investigator. We weren't planning on teaching anything because we were just stopping by quickly but than we started talking and she asked for a lesson! I loved hearing her say that, just knowing she wants to learn more. We taught about eternal families and temples. She's also been reading Joseph Smith History and was loving it! So I have a confession I've never even read all of Joseph Smith History and she read all of it! So that's my goal for the next week is to read it. We had another lesson with our new investigator that night and invited her to be baptized, she said she'll have to get a for sure answer but she's definitely thinking about it.
We got everything ready for Jody's baptism Saturday morning and then had her baptism. She was 40 minutes late hahahaha but we weren't stressin. She's always told us that she has the spirit of a turtle inside her hahaha. But honestly it was such a good baptism, I spoke on the Holy Ghost and that went good as well. I've never seen Jody so happy. Then we went to a YSA activity and then went by our investigators that night and saw some other potential people. I'm so blessed to be such good friends with all these people. They have changed my life for the better :) We had to drop some investigators this week which was sad but I knew it was going to happen eventually, they're just not ready right now and that okay.
Sunday was good :) 2 of our investigators came to church and I was so proud of them!! Jody was also confirmed a member of the church and received such a powerful blessing. I just love this gospel so much and I know its going to continue to go forth. I don't have a lot of time left so I'm sorry my sunday is not that detailed. But I love you all so much! You're the best family ever and I'm so blessed to have you in my life. I love being a missionary and I just want you all to know I'm going to work so hard the next 6 weeks. Have a great week!!
Sister M.
Hiking Buddies!
Bertha Lake
Jody's Baptism
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