Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Happy Birthday Grandma Martin! I love you!! Hope you have a great day :)

So this past week was super good, we had Zone Conference here in Taber. The Lethbridge East zone drove in and Medicine Hat zone came in as well. It was a really good conference that made me want to go out and work harder. We talked about helping the less-active members be reactivated by teaching them the doctrine and helping them remember their covenants. It was good. We also talked about how we need to always extend the invitation to commit to something. I loved that President went over this because it will hopefully help us be more bold. Ever since coming to Taber I've really tried to be more bold in every situation I'm in and I've seen miracles come from it.  Also I finally got your Valentines Day Package and thank you so much! I loved it! 

That night we had Stake Correlation...thats something that I love about Taber. All the missionaries in the Stake and our Ward Mission Leaders and the High Councilor over missionary work get together twice a month to discuss the missionary work that happening. I love it because we all get to work together and see whats going on. And let me tell you there is SO much going on in Taber right now, probably more going on then there has been in a long time. Not just in our area but in the whole stake, its SO EXCITING!! 

On Wednesday we had district mtg and it was good nothing too exciting but after we had an awesome lesson with the less-active lady that we're reactivating and she said something that I will never forget. We asked her what her purpose was in life and she said she wanted nothing more than to be a mom but then after having kids she realized she was still missing something and she realized that she was missing the gospel. Now that she's working hard on coming back she feels like she has a purpose. The gospel is meant for families and families do so much better with the gospel. We then went and stopped by a family that the Bishop wanted us to see and it was good, they're a less active family that has agreed to let us teach them the lessons so we're going back tomorrow!! So fun :)

Thursday was goodish. Me and Sister Mortensen started getting sick, with sore throats and runny noses and coughs. Its so sad when the both of us are sick. But its ok! We were teaching another less-active family that night and they told us that they've been having a hard time reading their scriptures and then out of no where I told them that we would come over everyday and read with them. Hahaha Sister Mortensen looked so surprised and after I said it I kind of regretted it thinking that we don't have a lot of time to go everyday but then I realized if this is what brings them closer to Christ then its worth it. 

On Friday we tried to meet new people in the ward that we haven't met yet and then we went tracting and didn't get any new investigators but it was really good. I know that when we're working hard even when nothing is coming from it that Heavenly Father will bless us for our efforts. 

Saturday was sweeeeeet. We went back to teach that lady that we tracted into and we taught the Plan of Salvation and she loved it! We invited her to be baptized and she said that she knows she needs to but she doesn't want to be pressured. She then went on to say that she's grateful that we're teaching her because she knows she'll draw closer to Christ with us helping her! I love that!

We then went to a baptism that the Elders had and me and Sister Mortensen spoke at it :) It was really good. I love baptisms. It was for an 11 year old boy who has helped bring his mom back to church and then wanted to be baptized. He's been such a good example for his family. 

Sunday was long because we were just so sick by this point, we came home from our dinner appointment and took some medicine and then accidentally fell asleep and didn't wake up until 9:30 I felt awful but we needed the sleep.  P-day wasn't that fun either since we were still sick. Hopefully we feel better soon! This week should be good! 

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Sister Martin

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hope everyone had a good Valentines Day! How was Colorado??

So this week was rough! Ha oh boy...........I guess we'll get to that in a second but anyways we had an awesome lesson with our investigator Tuesday night. We taught the second part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so we taught Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End. It was a sweet lesson. He struggles with smoking and coffee but other than that he's awesome. He wants to be baptized but doesn't want to commit to anything until he's completely done smoking. I wish he would just work towards a date though so he has something to work towards. 

On Wednesday we went to transfer station. Sister Doty went up to Calgary which is sad :( hahaha but its ok I'm just glad to stay in Taber. We have 2 new sisters that we're over. Sister Olpin! Which I'm so excited about, I served around her in Calgary and then Sister Hernandez who is from Quebec...so cool! We now have 74 sisters in this mission!! Thats SO many sisters hahaha but it will be good. That night we had dinner with my favorite couple! Its the couple that we're helping reactivate. They're doing awesome. I wish people could see the change I see in them. They have lived such a crazy hard life and the gospel is just bringing true happiness to their lives. I LOVE THE GOSPEL!

So this is where it gets rough.......and its funny because that morning me and Sister Mortensen were talking about how we haven't had a really really bad day in Taber yet and we haven't felt opposition yet.....bad idea. That night we were teaching one of our investigators and I could just tell he wasn't open to hearing what we were saying. At the end he said he didn't want to take the lessons anymore and so we talked about it and he said he knows he's going to get baptized but he just doesn't want to change yet. I just started crying and it was the worst thing ever. I just get too attached to these people. I just wish they could realize what they're missing out on. It just wasn't a good day. On Valentines day we went around and heart attacked some of the less-active members houses that we've been working with and attached our testimonies and a scripture on Christ and love. It was good and just boosted me up doing some service :) We had a zone goal meeting that day as well and it was one of the best zone goal meetings I've had in a long time! Last transfer our whole zone struggled since we didn't have any goals(long story) anyways we only found 14 new investigators last transfer as a zone which is low. This transfer we have a goal of finding 40! Its going to make us stretch big time but its good, it makes me excited to go out and work!
Saturday was sweet!! Oh goodness such a good day!

We brought in the Stirling sisters so we could just do double the work! We split off as companionships and me and Sister Olpin decided to the thing that I hate the most on the mission....tracting. DUN DUN DUN! oh boy I was scared, I wish people could just know how much I don't like it haha but I decided if we're going to find new people we're going to do new things. We found a street and started knocking doors and it was going ok but nothing coming from it. We decided to do one more door and the lady answers and I ask if she wanted to hear a message on families  and she was hesitant at first but then she let us in and I was so surprised hahaha and then we went in and started talking about how the gospel blesses families. She started getting really emotional and she said she wished she would have raised her kids in some type of religion. She then said that her dad had passed away and she wants to see him again. So we asked her if we could come back and teach her how she can live with her dad again and she said yes! I was just what I needed. MIRACLE!

We also went out to Purple Springs and tracted out the whole place. Literally. Hahaha just google Purple Springs.....I think only 50 people live there and we met all 50 hahaha it was hilarious...I don't think that place has ever been tracted out. I think I overcame my fears though....finally after a year hahaha but its a good start.

Anways things are good :) we have zone conference tomorrow which I'm excited about, it will be good. I hope everything is good back home. I love you all so much!

Sister Martin

Elder King, Sister Mortensen, and Sister Martin. 

Sister Martin's first Zone Leader Elder Jones went home, back to Wales!

Sister Shumway, Sister Mortensen, Sister Martin and Sister Olpin!  

Viola and Sarah.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hey family! 

How has your week been? Whats new with all of you? I saw that its Uncles Rian's birthday so happy birthday! 

What a week! So this week definitely had a lot of ups and downs but I guess thats just what happens on the mission. We had the chance to go to a mutual activity for young womens and it was so good! They just asked us questions about being a sister missionary and asked us about different experiences we've had. We also gave them ideas for sharing the gospel with their friends. They are awesome girls! There is one in particular who's just doing so much missionary work and it made me wish that I did more missionary work when I was in High School. She stayed after and talked with us some more and she's been struggling with the idea of serving a mission. My only advice was if you have the desire to serve God you are called to the work. Missionary work is moving forward and there are more and more people being prepared to serve missions. I just love being a missionary so much. 

On Wednesday it was the looooooooooooooooooongest day ever. I had lots of time to read scriptures and spend time with Sister Mortensen which was nice. She's awesome! We left Taber at 6:45ish and then got into Med Hat and then left for Calgary. The drive is long but the weather was good so traveling was nice. We had time to grab some lunch, take a little rest at the mission home and then got back in the car for Med Hat and then back to Taber. I've never been so happy to see Taber in life. I definitely know I've been called to Taber for a reason.....I don't really know what that reason is yet but I love it here and I'm glad I'm staying! One more transfer for now here in Taber :) Anyways we got back into Taber and then immediatly went to dinner and then a lesson. It was just non-stop all day! Ha it was so nice to go to bed that night. 

So on Thursday we taught one of my favorite people. She's the girl who has been inactive her whole life but wants to come back. We're teaching her all of the lessons and she's just been soaking it all in. Its been amazing to see the change in her and her home in just the last couple of weeks from reading the scriptures and saying her prayers. There are so many good things happening here. I almost feel like she's an investigator because she doesn't know anything about the gospel and we get to start from square one. I love teaching the gospel so much. 

We had an awesome lesson with one of our investigators that night. His wife is a member but he's never had the desire to join. I've seen a lot of progress in him though. His heart is softening and he's becoming more familiar with the spirit. He thought we've been worshiping Joseph Smith this whole time but we clarified that real quick. We pray to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is our Savior. This lesson was probably the most spirit driven lesson I've ever been in. I went knowing that I was representing Jesus Christ and it helped me because at the end I committed him to pray and ask Heavenly Father if the things we taught were true and he said "No, I won't pray because I don't want to pray just because you asked me too." So boldy we let him know that we were representing our Savior and that we weren't asking him to pray but that Jesus Christ our Savior was asking him to pray. After that he said he would. 

Friday was just a rough day.....ha no one was really home and I felt sick and things were just not so good. But it makes you appreciate the good days. I've learned to just keep working though even though I might get upset about the outcome its just better to have a good attitude. 

Saturday was good though we met some more less-active members in the ward and we got to go out to Grassy Lake for dinner and then ended up stopping by that Mennonite family's house and they were so willing to let us in! We had a good lesson with us and really its so amazing that they're letting into their homes. Most Mennonites are very closed off. 

I gave a talk in church on Sunday and I thought it went really well. It was on inviting others to come unto Christ and I was super nervous because I didn't have a lot of time to prepare but it ended up all coming together. 
I love this gospel. The Book of Mormon is true, oh my goodness its so true! I have seen so many good things happen because of that book and all good things come from Christ. I'm almost done reading it and it just fills me with joy. I love you all so much and I hope you have a good Valentines Day! Have fun in Colorado and tell everyone hello for me! 

Sister Martin


Having dinner out on the ranch in Grassy Lake

Sister Martin and Sister Gonzalez.  Sister Gonzalez and her companion came to Taber this past week and Sarah loved seeing them!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hey family! 

This transfer is ending next week and I can't believe it! This transfer has definitely been a transfer of miracles. Its had its downs but definitely more ups. I've learned a lot about myself and about the person that I still need to become. We had a lot of good lessons this week. We have this sweet inactive family that we've been teaching, they haven't been to church in probably 10 or more years. We taught them on Wednesday about prayer and the Holy Ghost and and they are so excited to start feeling the spirit more in their life. As active members I think we sometimes overlook the gift that we've been given. The gift of the Holy Ghost is so precious and we need to be worthy of the gift we've been given. They haven't been making the best choices the last few years and now that they're changing they are noticing His influence more. We also taught a sweet part member family on Wednesday night and met another less-active lady. One of our wards is 42% active so we really could spend most of our time with inactive members. We can find a lot of non-members through them as well.

On Thursday we taught one of our investigators about prayer and it was so funny because he kept saying that he prays all the time and that he never gets any answers. He was pretty stubborn in thinking prayer just doesn't work and then I asked him if he's ever paused and listened afterwards. Ha he never has! He then realized that prayer is a 2 way communication with our Heavenly Father and he's only been making it a 1 way communication. Hopefully he starts praying and listening and then he'll recognize his answers.

Friday was so fun! We drove into Lethbridge and carpooled up to Calgary with Sister Doty and Sister Bowers. Oh it was so good to see Sister Doty! I just love her so much! We got up to Calgary at 10 and had MLC's it was pretty good. We have some good goals for this mission. Its strange to think I'll probably have only 1 more MLC. I'm secretly hoping I train again but we'll see. Our mission is making more walking areas and I'm just grateful I have a car in the winter hahaha its been cold lately! I'm just getting excited for summmmmmerrrrr. After MLC we went to dinner with Sister Doty and Bowers in Lethbridge it was super fun. On Saturday we were pretty busy with appointments. My favorite part of the day definitely had to be when we went and read scriptures to all the old ladies at Clearview they're hilarious! Oh my 5 of them yelled at me because I was reading the wrong chapter and I just had no idea they were so picky!

On Sunday we just had miracle after miracle. One of our investigators came to church for the 4th week in a row. He's really enjoying everything we're teaching him. Also the best moment ever was when our cute little inactive family showed up! The whole congregation was in shock! They got all dressed up and came and stayed the whole time. They participated in Sunday school and even got up and thanked me and Sister Mortensen for everything we're doing for their family. They couple needs to get married first but I have such a bright hope for them getting to the temple. I was just so overwhelmed with the spirit the whole day knowing that I really am supposed to be in Taber at this time to help Heavenly Father fulfill His work. I really really do love missionary work. I see blessings and miracles everyday.

Yesterday we shared a message with a Mennonite family of 8! Such a cool family! Oh my goodness they're just really good people. I love learning about their culture. So cool. I'm hoping we can continue to teach them.
So everything is really good! I love it. I hope everything is good for all of you back home or wherever you are in the world! 

The church is true!
Sister M.

The sunrise on their way to Calgary. 

Sister Doty and Sister Martin